What is Coparcenary meaning-coparcener meaning Hindu law

Coparcenary Meaning-Hindu Law: Every Coparcenary starts with a common  Ancestor which after his death consists  the  collateral only. The natural persons farming for the time being the members of un   an  undivided Hindu family,  fluctuate  both by births and   deaths in the family.A Coparcenary  must be a family United and must process property. Every Coparcener  Isar corporated body and is purely a creature of law.

Therefore kama if a person inherits  property from  his father grand-father  are great- Grand- father,  his son, grandson and great grandson acquire  the interest if it   by birth and they become the joint owners of the Coparcenary  property with a right to demand petition of the sum and all of them are Coparcenary  and constitute  a Coparcenary.  A Coparcenary is limited to 4 degrees from the holder of the property.

What is Coparcenary meaning-coparcener meaning Hindu law

  A Coparcenary  consists only 4 degrees from the point of common  ancector 


Ravi  was a common ancestor   in a Coparcenary  property. Ravi  had two sons Sunil and Ramesh Sunil and Ramesh had one son each, Sai Kumar and Sai Kiran. Advise and Danish how one can eat Rakesh and Ravi   Raju’s sun,  demand partition, advise.

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 S o l u t i o n:

Ravi  being in V degree generation of the common ancestor  of the Coparcenary  property he is not  entitled to demand partition.  See the following diagram

What is Coparcenary meaning-coparcener meaning Hindu law

In the above diagram a is the common ancestor. His sons B and C Grand sons D and E  and great grand son F, G and h H consist  a Coparcenary  family. I and J great Grand sons of A  do not from the part of Coparcenary . The Coparcenary  conceits  from the point of common ancestor. Honce I & J  ping in the V degree, they are out of Coparcenary property.

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 Rights of Coparcenary :

  •  Right by birth
  •  Right by Survivrship
  •  Right right to joint possession And enjoyment
  •  Right to alienation
  •  Right to   partition
  •  Right write two accounts, and
  •  Right to make self acquisition

What is Coparcenary meaning-coparcener meaning Hindu law

E x a m p e l: A Coparcenary   consists A  the  ancestor and his son. B, C and D.There  are joint  Hindu family properties- x.  D goes to another City for job or business. D has two son- G and H. D  Aquarius properties- Y.Here D’s  this is not joint family continues with his son. Therefore one Coparcenary  is in   existence another Coparcenary .  In the partition of X,D  get 1/4th share. In the partition of Y ,D

kids one by third 1/3rd share in the partition of X  and  Y,G   gets one by third 1/3rd  share in Y properties,  and one by third 1/3rd  share of One by fourth 1/4th  share of {D} in X  properties

 Joint  Hindu Family  vs Coparcenary 

Joint  Hindu Family  Coparcenary 
1 A joint Hindu family is unlimited both as to the number of parsons and the degree .eg, the remoteness of their decent form common ancestor 

2.The Joint Hindu family does not show any difference between males and females

3.A joint Hindu family shall continue even after the death of the male/karta and consisting only females.

4.Every joint family is not a Coparcenary

5.The membership of joint Hindu family is acquired by birth or by {marriage wife, daughter-in-law}


1. Coparcenary  is limited  Only certain members of the joint family. It is limited 4 degrees only

2. Coparcenary  Is limited only two meals. That  too for four  degrees. 

3. A Coparcenary  may come to an end with the death of the last Coparcenary  are the sole  surviving Coparcenary 

4.Every Coparcenary  is a joint Hindu family

5. The membership of  Coparcenary  can be of obtained  only by birth or in exceptional case of adoption of son’s.

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